Monday, March 12, 2007


Like a gourd in the desert, a political group called the Democratic Muslims emerged onto the political scene in Denmark.

It would have been reassuring if groups, like the Democratic Muslims, emerged in the aftermath of 9/11 to confront their IslamoFacist Brothers-In-Faith... but this group emerged in the wake of the Muhammed Cartoon Crisis.

(Some would argue this group was created to protect their identity as "modern muslims" and not to confront the "fundamentalists" head on - long term.)

Apparently the Democratic Muslims in Denmark have not developed the critical mass necessary to foster an organisation that can survive in the long term. Membership is down - leading figures have resigned.

It seems as if the Democratic Muslims, in Denmark, are withering away in the midday sun. What does this say of the propects of Democracy among muslim nations?

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