Tuesday, March 06, 2007


A recent US report says that Darfur in Sudan is the worst abuser of human rights:
The continuing genocide in Sudan's troubled Darfur region was the world's worst human rights abuse last year, the United States said Tuesday in a global report that found freedoms eroding in numerous other nations, including US allies Afghanistan and Iraq.

In its annual survey of human rights practices, the State Department also criticized Russia for a "further erosion of government accountability" and said China's human rights record deteriorated in some areas.
Not that this article actually says that Islam is the problem, though it does give a clue to who's in charge of Sudan:
Just days before senior US diplomats expect to meet Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir in Khartoum, the State Department lashed out at the Sudanese government, blaming its military and proxy militia for the genocide in Darfur, the western Sudan region which more than 200,000 people have died and some 2.5 million have been displaced, according to some estimates.

"The Sudanese government and government-backed Janjaweed militia bear responsibility for the genocide in Darfur," it said, adding that they, along with indigenous rebels, had and continued to commit atrocities as the four-year-old war rages unabated.

"All parties to the conflagration committed serious abuses, including widespread killing of civilians, rape as a tool of war, systematic torture, robbery and recruitment of child soldiers," the report said.
Bashir is not a president, but rather, a dictator, and does not deserve to be "leading" Sudan. The country should be returned to its native people, the black Sudanese, whom Islamofascists like Bashir and his Janjaweed militia helpers have usurped the country from.

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