Wednesday, March 14, 2007


They're moving their HQ to Dubai:
( The Texas-based Halliburton oil company is moving its headquarters to Dubai, which it said is becoming "a world-class business and financial center."

Halliburton is widely known for its subsidiary winning a contract to supply the American military in Iraq and then overbilling the government.
They're also the same company that Michael Moore's been profiting from even as he attacked them. I see no reason to invest in their businesses.


  1. The anti-Halliburton stuff was in my opinion a stock swindle.

  2. I am deeply suspicious of any human being who goes to any Arab Muslim country for any reason other than to promote Freedom and Democracy.

    The fact that Halliburton has chosen to move their corporate headquarters to Dubai also leaves me more than a little bit suspicious. If they needed to be nearer to the action in the ME, why not move their headquarters to Israel?

    Anyone who is so deeply allied with countries in the Arab Muslim world must be able to turn their heads to the world's most grievous human rights abuses this side of North Korea and Sudan.

    The best thing that can be said about Halliburton at this point is that they have made a major PR blunder. That's the best thing that can be said.

  3. There may have been a bookstore that did a deal with a Dubai company last year (was it Borders?). I figure they should be boycotted too.

  4. I haven't bought anything from Border's since they refused to sell Reason Magazine because they published the Mohammed cartoons.

  5. uz guyz iz wrong.

    truth here:

  6. Sarbanes-Oxley put a stake through the heart of American business.

    Add in that Halliburton will pay lower taxes and be closer to its customers and the move is obvious.

    Gateway Pundit
