Sunday, March 11, 2007

Bibi Netanyahu To Meet With Cheney On Iranian Nuclear Threat

Will Israel soon attack Iran? If so, why is the United States leaving it up to Israel? Pathetic, if true. From Joel Rosenberg:
With new polls showing Benjamin Netanyahu far and away his nation's choice to lead the next government, the Israeli opposition leader is heading for Washington, D.C. where he will speak at the annual AIPAC conference and meet with Vice President Cheney to discuss the Iranian nuclear threat....this morning, a highly-respected Israeli newspaper explains why Bibi is "surging toward a comeback" and publishes an intriguing interview with important tidbit: Netanyahu says Syria's military budget has increased 10-fold and Damascus appears to be preparing for war.... excerpts from the Haaretz article:

"I'm convinced that the government will not live out its days," Netanyahu said in an interview with Haaretz, in which he accused [Prime Minister Ehud] Olmert of being helpless in the face of the Iranian threat. "The nation is searching for leadership, and if the government doesn't gain its composure, the change will come," he added.

"Time will tell whether it happens in a parliamentary or electoral process, but I am convinced that it is not just the will of the opposition, but the will of the nation."....

"The Iranian regime is more vulnerable than it seems," said Netanyahu. "It's possible to act against it in a firm and focused way, to destabilize it, or stop the nuclear program, or both. Its major weakness is in the economic sphere.".....

'The idea of imposing a 'secondary boycott' on the Iranian economy is at the center of Netanyahu's campaign. It involves convincing the managers of pension funds for civil servants in every state in the United States, which hold assets worth hundreds of billions of dollars, to pull their investments from some 400 companies, from European and other countries, conducting business with Iran. Such a boycott would threaten the Iranian economy and the stability of its government"....
Pastorius note: Wow, that's quite an ambitious agenda Bibi has there.
"Netanyahu also wants to send AIPAC activists to governors and state legislatures in a bid to get them to order the pension funds to impose the boycott. This week, he submitted a similar bill in the Knesset, which, if passed, would ban Israeli investment in multinational companies active in Iran.

'All who feared military efforts against Iran should welcome an economic means that can render military activity unnecessary,' Netanyahu said."...."In his latest travels in Europe, he presented this idea to members of the French National Assembly's foreign affairs committee and to members of the British parliament. He tells doves to support the boycott so as to prevent an attack on Iran; the hawks will support pressure on the Iranians anyway"...."It's not certain that the effort will succeed," Netanyahu admitted. "But even if it doesn't, at least public opinion will be prepared for tougher action."
The problem is, before Netanyahu can set to work destablilizing the Iranian governments, he must convince Parliament to get rid of the Olmert government. How long till that happens? [Reliapundit adds: Faster please...]

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