Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Attractiveness Incorrect?

The Delta Zeta sorority at the intolerant anti-Christian and anti-Republican DePauw university in Indiana was not flourishing. The chapter's residence was known as the "Dog house"!

So the national leadership of the sorority decided on a shakeup and dismissed most of the members -- leaving only the attractive ones. The ousted ones were said to be all overweight, black, Korean or Vietnamese. At a guess, they might have been all Democrat supporters as well. The national organization does deny that attractiveness was the criterion, though. I guess politeness requires that.

The university says that the whole thing was very bad and has now dismissed the sorority from the campus. You have to have the RIGHT KIND of intolerance at DePauw. Apparently atheistic Democrat uglies are what is celebrated there.

Why cannot a sorority choose its members on any basis it likes? It is a private club. Will young men on the campus eventually be required to date equal numbers of attractive and unattractive women? I am sure that the social engineers of the Left would just love to enforce that if they thought that they could get away with it.

Given their own abysmal record of intolerance, I think DePauw should say: "To err is human" and invite the sorority back. They were originally a Methodist university so someone there might even remember the parable of the lost sheep.

Details of the story here and here. DePauw has its say here.

1 comment:

  1. Q: Why can't the private club choose its own members?

    A: They can, and they did.

    In the same manner, the private university is free to choose its own sororities.

    (yet another lesson in personal repsonsibility, brought to you courtesy of DavidCyrus)
