Monday, March 12, 2007


It's hard out here for a genocidal lunatic:
Al-Qaida's number two accused Hamas of selling out by agreeing to respect past peace deals with Israel, according to an audio recording broadcast Sunday by Al-Jazeera satellite channel. Ayman al-Zawahri lashed out at the group for making its most concrete commitment to a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict when it agreed in February during a meeting in Saudi Arabia to "respect" earlier peace deals with Israel.
Here's the thing: Hamas used the word "respect" because they were unwilling to "accept" the peace deals that any Palestinian government is bound to (at least if they're going to pretend to be a real government rather than just the thugs in control for the moment). So essentially, AQ is going after Hamas for pretending that they're willing to consider someday not killing all the Jews. Because once you take that step, you're apparently just a hop, skip, and a jump from being a far Left peacenik.

Read more analysis about this story at Mere Rhetoric...

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