Monday, March 05, 2007

Ann Coulter Was Right

I have a moderate size rambling piece about Ann Coulter starting with:
What did she actually say?

“I’d say something about John Edwards, but if you say ‘faggot’ you have to go to rehab.”

Which is pretty incendiary if you start imagining how she would use that word in a sentence along with the words "John Edwards".
and ending with
The Lenny Bruce of our day. BTW I saw his last appearance in Chicago at the Gate of Horn. Brilliant. All about words you couldn't say and holding up the Playmate of the Month picture and asking why that was obscene? Plus a lot of references to schtupping. I went with my girlfriend Joan. Fun girl.
If you are interested in what is in the middle you can find it at: Ann Coulter Was Right.


  1. Was she alluding to that football player who got into trouble for using the word? I didn't follow that story all that closely, but I seem to recall that rehab was suggested.

    My concern about what Coulter said is the possible damage to the Republican Party. Don't get me wrong--I like Ann Coulter! I'm just wondering about the fallout.

  2. i think there was an TV actor who used it and was forced into rehab.

  3. She was referring to the black actor from Grey's Anatomy who called his fellow actor from the show a faggot. There was so much controversy about it the black actor had to go to rehab for it all to die down which is ridiculous in and of itself.

    I think all of this hysteria and quote fallout over this is ridiculous.
