Saturday, March 24, 2007


The Jerusalem Post says that Labor party head Amir Peretz has hurt the reputation of the defense ministry:
Respect for the defense establishment has dropped around the world in recent months due to a lack of respect for Defense Minister Amir Peretz, senior defense officials have told The Jerusalem Post.

According to the officials, Peretz's conduct as defense minister, his poor English and lack of familiarity with many of the sensitive issues have led some defense establishments around the world to slightly tone down relations with the Israeli Defense Ministry. Peretz, the officials noted, has also been distracted lately due to his significant involvement in his reelection campaign in the Labor Party primaries.
I think that's why he's likely to be voted out as head very soon. Not that his successors are likely to be much better, but Peretz, as far as I can tell, is done in politics.

1 comment:

  1. Uu, I think you spelled his name wrong.

    The correct spelling is Putz.
