Thursday, March 01, 2007

Alan Dershowitz Challenges Feminists

Alan has a few words about the use of rape as a weapon of war. He is refering to Arab gang rapist recently caught in Israel.
The gang of serial rapists, comprising at least six Palestinians, raped a thirteen-year-old girl, a sixteen-year-old girl, a nineteen-year-old woman, and several others. The victims have reported that the rapists have stated that the rapes are acts of terrorism and done in revenge for Israel’s military actions.

This is not the first time Palestinian terrorists have used rape as a tool in their terrorist campaign against Israel. There have been reports of incidents in which Palestinian terrorists have raped Palestinian women and threatened to kill them in “honor killings” unless they agree to restore their family honor by becoming suicide terrorists.
So now you see how the Palestinians get the bearers of life, women, to kill themselves and others. Ugly is not the half of it.

Alan then issues this challenge:
And so I issue the following challenge to radical feminist opponents of Israel: renounce clearly the use of rape as a terrorist weapon, and while you’re at it, renounce all terrorism directed against women, children, and innocent civilians. Just do it without falsely trying to create some moral equivalence between terrorists who rape children and democracies like Israel that try to prevent terrorism and occasionally and unintentionally kill the innocent. Let’s hear it directly and unequivocally and let’s hear it now. No more excuses!
No more excuses.

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