Sunday, March 18, 2007



Yesterday, I demonstrated Al Gore's incorrigible phoniness.

This is a man who pledged upon his sister's death from lung cancer to "pour his heart and soul" into taking on the tobacco industry, but then campaigned on his affection for tobacco and took campaign contributions from the industry.

And this is a man whose lifestyle represents the antithesis of what would be required to make a dent in dealing with the global warning problem which has become the centerpiece of his attempt to return to the limelight.

Hoping perhaps to redeem Gore, Cenk Uygur links to a speech the former Vice President gave before the war in Iraq. Uygur calls Gore's remarks "prescient." It turns out, however, that Gore's core predictions and analysis were wrong in nearly every particular. [Umph added.]

Mirengoff proceeds to demolish each and every concern Gore expressed in his speech. in a nutshell: Gore was wrong; not a single one of Gore's fears ever materialized. RTWT.

Gore's hysterical, pessimistic - if not defeatist demagoguing is not unique; rather it is all too typical of the Left; all the Left has is a litany of fear-mongering rants:

AGW is causing irreparable harm; we are losing in Iraq; we are headed for a recession because we don't tax the rich enough; the GOP's desire to introduce personal choice into Social Security will destroy it - as the GOP school voucher plan will destroy public education; we must enact socialized healthcare (and nationalize one of the nation's biggest industries) because many lack medical insurance.
This list doesn't even touch on the Left's paranoid 9/11'"truther" fantasy, or their paranoid Katrina fantasy, or their paranoid Iraq "blood for oil" fantasy.

Gore does more than merely pander to these paranoid fears: HE STOKES THE FLAMES. Which makes him among the most reprehensible politicians in the world - and the likely Democrat nominee should he decide to run. IOW: Gore's paranoia, negativity and phoniness make him the IDEAL candidate for the Dems - although Hillary and Obama and Edwards do give him a lot of competition in these categories!

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