Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Much has been made of Romney's choice for a backdrop for his announcement. The left is feigning outrage.

More interesting comments are HERE an HERE and HERE.

ME? I think Romney first chose to announce in the Mid-West - which IMHO will be THE key region in play for 2008. And Michigan is the place in the Mid-West that his family has deep ties to. And I think he chose the Ford Museum for exactly the reason he gave: because it highlights to power of American ingenuity and diligence and investment in new technology.

NOW ASK YOURSELF THIS (if you owned Ford Motor Company): Of ALL the candidates in the race, who would YOU pick to become CEO and turnaround Ford?

Only Romney has the proven knowledge and leadership to do the job. (Giuliani - by virtue of his leadership in NYC for a decade, and during 9/11, also could probably do okay.)

NOW ASK YOURSELF THIS: If they couldn't turnaround Ford, what makes ANYONE think they could run the USA?

That's why - RIGHT NOW - I'm for Mitt... and then Rudy. Or Rudy and Mitt. Though both on th same ticket might not be the best - geopolitically speaking. That's why right now I'm thinking the best ticket might very well be Romney (or Rudy)-Ridge/Cornyn/Pawlenty/Rice or Jeb. (Rudy and Rice - sounds nice!) And, if Hillary picks Obama, then Rice as GOP VP candidate might a whole lotta sense.

(BONUS VEEP PICK: Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson - he's a good southern VEEP, if we need help in the region and Cornyn says no.)


  1. I just heard Romney speak at the Lincoln Days here in Missouri. He himself admitted that the presidential election will be determined by the midwest. That is the exciting thing about living in Missouri, we often determine positively or negatively who wins the elections.

    Bush won Missouri both in 2000 & 2004 and last November unfortunately our state voted a Democrat back into the senate.

