Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I watched him talk to Sean Hannity about the crucial issues and I have to admit I was pretty impressed. His answers on guns and marriage both worked for me.

I am still nervous about him not being pro-life but his assurances on picking good judges confirmed my hunch that he would pick strict constructionists.

The fact that he even used the word strict constructionists and that he loves Scalia, Roberts and Alito was music to my ears. That is the area where the pro-life issue is most important.

He is awesome on taxes and stellar on terrorism. He is pro-school choice which is a big issue for me. Overall, I was encouraged.

Afterwards Dick Morris was on the show and talked about his meeting with some right wingers. He said he was shocked (I was not) that when he asked them if Republicans could get over McCain's issues 75% of them said they couldn't and when he asked them the same question about Giuliani it was the exact opposite of 75% saying they could. Rudy over McCain any day!!

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