Sunday, February 25, 2007


I take no pleasure in criticizing an Evangelical leader but Rick Warren continues to make bad decisions. One of the things about Christian leaders in power is that they need to be held accountable and it doesn't seem that Warren is by anyone.

1) I talked about his questionable judgment when he made his controversial remarks after visiting Syria. 2) Then he invited ultra-liberal Barack Obama to his Aids conference at his church. 3) He is one of many supposed Evangelical leaders joining forces with those that believe in man-made global warming.

Now I find out that he is planning a trip to North Korea. What do you think the odds are that in order to preach there he will be required to say nice things about Kim Jong Il? Do you think the pot-bellied dictator is going to allow a Christian preacher in without having some requirements? North Korea persecutes Christians and has a horrible human rights' record. Here is an excerpt from the article showing some of the concerns:
Warren's acceptance of the invitation drew wide criticism from many Christians and the general public. Many believe it is a propaganda exercise to show that North Korea has a free church, and the crowd of 15,000 is not expected to have any real Korean Christians.

The trip shouldn't be postponed, it should be cancelled. Rick Warren needs to start listening to some voices of reason.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:03 PM

    I can't agree with you more, Little Miss Chatterbox. I feel the same way of many Christian leaders, i.e. Ted Haggard (as well as all those who purport to be part of some type of religion, which I can delve into later).

    Although I don't take any political side, and there are things I agree and disagree with on both sides, I earnestly think that every president should be held accountable. And this includes Bush.

    The same standard at which one should hold men like Warren, should be held for men like Bush, Clinton (B & H), etc. In light of Bush having publicly declared his faith in Christ, should put him in a greater standard category.

    There is way too much double-standard, I'll follow my own agenda going on in politics and as you can see from Warren and past so-called Christian leaders, it has affected the church.

    Remember what the higher-ups among the Catholics did in Germany during the rise of Hitler... Deitrich Bonehoffer retells this in his writings. Bonehoffer gave his life as a testimony to the ills that were taking place in his country. Who in our time is willing to do such a thing? Today, speaking out against the ills of government tags a person as either un-patriotic, ultra-liberal, neo-conservative, or whatever else.

    Politicians are accountable to we the people (of course God first whether they know it or not) and we the people must hold them accountable even under great scrutiny.

    I may have been long-winded in this, but these are just some of my thoughts on this that I may expand on at my blog.

    Thanks for letting me comment.
