Friday, February 02, 2007


When Israel is forced by events on the ground to take action against the terrorist organizations within the Palestinian territories, "human rights organizations" swarm into the area and battle for space before the cameras of the world's media.

But, when Palestinians kill each other for no good reason at all, well, then, that's another story, or I should say, non-story at far as the world's media is concerned:

(AP) - Fatah fighters stormed a Hamas-affiliated university on Friday morning for the second time, setting buildings on fire and threatening to escalate an already raging battle between the two factions in the Gaza Strip.

SO.... where are all the human shields? (of ISM and the other groups, like even segments of the Presbyterian Church?)

Shouldn't they be in Gaza, prtoecting Hamas from Fatah. or Fatah from Hamas. or any oither Jihadoterrror group from killing other Arabs? If they are against violence then they should be, no!?

Or, are they really only interested in stopping violence when the USA, or Israel, is fighting back with military reprisals!?

YUP: They are not for peace; they are on the other side.

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