Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Orgy of Self-congratulation at Guilford College

Leftists often call Christians "Taleban", "Theocrats", "Ayatollahs" etc. in a stupid claim that Christianity is the same as Islam. But if you call a REAL Muslim any such thing you are very wicked, apparently.

Some football players at Guilford Colege in NC are alleged to have called some Arab students "terrorists". And did the college Left LOVE that. If you have got a strong stomach, you can read how they salivated over it here. They went on and on about it. It was a wonderful excuse for them to go over and over again how marvelous and non-racist and virtuous THEY are! Seeking the appearance of righteousness or "good intentions" is a basic Leftist motive. It helps cover up the hatred of the world that really drives them.

There does seem to have been a real punch-up of some kind on the campus, but the fact that wicked words were used is what has made the event so exciting. Details here.

That the punch-up was minor may be gathered from this statement: "Individuals refused medical treatment immediately after the incident, but at the urging of college staff, received medical attention the following afternoon"

And the Arabs were also apparently egged on to make a complaint to the police and in the police complaint it is claimed that: "two of the Palestinian students were severely injured during the assault".

But inconsistency has never bothered Leftists, of course.

(For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, EDUCATION WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, DISSECTING LEFTISM . My Home Page. Email me (John Ray) here.)

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