Friday, February 09, 2007


Zee News from India has some great news from France, (except for those who have to go into hiding) about how tons of Muslims are converting every year to Christianity (via IRIS Blog):
Muslims are converting to Christianity in their thousands in France but face exclusion from their families and even death threats.

Most Muslims hide their conversion and Protestant ministers do their utmost to protect new converts. It is estimated that every year in the world some six million Muslims convert to Christianity.

The Muezzin call to prayer. But here in France it is no longer reaching all Muslim ears.

Around 15,000 Muslims each year are converting to Christianity - around 10,000 to Catholicism and 5,000 to Protestantism.


Many Muslims in France hide their conversion but the trend is continuing. World wide around six million Muslims a year convert to Christianity.
If my estimates are correct, the Muslims population in France may actually be shrinking, as many of them turn to Christianity instead.

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