Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Israel's Channel 10 News presented an important document exposing more of Ehud Olmert's bribery and corruption career:
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert faced new allegations of corruption on Wednesday evening when Channel 10 exposed a document containing 115 names of Likud Central Committee members and activists whom the prime minister allegedly helped illegally when he served as industry, trade and labor minister.

Allegedly, Olmert used his position as head of the investment department - which had authority over small businesses, the employment industry, the authorization of foreign workers, the broadcasting authority, Bezek and other communications companies - for the benefit of Likud members.

Among the alleged misdemeanors, Olmert supposedly helped prevent the dismissal of a Likud member from the postal service, helped another Likud activist get a job, illegally helped obtain a telephone number from a cellular phone company and arranged permits for foreign workers for two Likud members.

According to Channel 10, the document contains the following words: "Pini Sabah, a Central Committee member from Ashkelon - 21 foreign workers for his close associate," and, " Central Committee member and Nesher Chairman Fredi Malik - nurse for his mother."
Some of these people may have even abandoned the Likud for Kadima in the past year. If so, they should not be welcomed back.

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