Saturday, February 10, 2007

London's Daily Mail Gives Credence to the Truthers

FROM LGF comes word that THE DAILY MAIL - (an MSM newspaper in London - sight of the HORRIFIC 7/7 attacks which murdered and injured HUNDREDS of innocent Londoners) - is giving credence and major "ink" to the LUNATIC LOOSE CHANGE crowd and their "theory" that 9/11 was an inside job.

Well, I know someone who was aboard the flight which hit the Pentagon. He was a husband and a father of three girls. He was murdered by the people who took credit for the attack - the jihadoterrorists. And as a friend of someone who was murdered on 9/11, am insulted, hurt, and angry that THE DAILY MAIL has participated in this lunatic Left-wing disinformation campaign.

FACT: 9/11 has been thoroughly investigated by Popular Mechanics and the physics of the WTC collapse thoroughly and completely explained. Every single solitary claim by the LOOSE CHANGE crowd has been answered. Every one.

What is more, Bin Laden took credit for the attacks and the jihadists are proud of their "accomplishment" - pone which finally did what they had wanted since 1993 when they first tried to destroy the WTC - and nearly did.

The global threat from jihadoterror is real: There have been nearly 8000 jihadoterror attacks worldwide since 9/11 - all in the name of jihad and restoring the Caliphate. Nearly three thousand people have been murdered in Thailand by the jihadoterrorists sionce 2004 - and not one of these attacks has anything to do with Bush or Halliburton or Israel or Afghanistan or Iraq. At least not according to the perpetrators of the attacks.


But evidently it is too difficult for most of the Left to accept, so instead they create fanciful and paranoid scenarios which blame the right-wing. This idiocy borders on insanity. And THE DAILY MAIL promotes it anyway. HAVE THEY NO SHAME?

Do I have to remind then and all the other moonbats that most of the death in Iraq since 2003 has been caused by islamo-extremists and NOT the USA and its allies?!

Paranoid disinformation, like this LOOSE CHANGE crap, is one reason why we are not united and are - as a result - having such a tough time defeating the enemy. This is why I have said over and over: We need to defeat the left at home if we ever expect to defeat the enemy abroad.


  1. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Also, check out the book “Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory” due out in March by Dr. David Ray Griffin.

  2. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Post proofs that brotherhood is not so wild a dream as those who profit by postponing it pretend.
    ~~Norman Corwin

    S O M E O F T H E A B O V E N E W S



    An explosion of disbelief - fresh doubts over 9/11
    09.02.07 Add your view


    FROM: The Great Dollar Crash Of 2007

    By Mike Whitney

    The massive equity bubbles which arose from artificially low interest rates and the deliberate destruction of the dollar by reckless increases in the money supply have shifted trillions of dollars from working class Americans to the predatory aristocrats at the top of the economic food chain. The gulf between rich and poor has grown so wide that it now poses a direct threat to our increasingly fragile democracy.

    "Whatever future developments may prove to be, my best guess is that the US will continue to maintain a façade of Constitutional government and drift along until financial bankruptcy overtakes it." Chalmers Johnson, "Empire V. Democracy: Why Nemesis is at our Door"


    Rabbi Michael Lerner & 9/11 Skepticism

    A 9/11 Gov’t Conspiracy? ‘I Wouldn’t Be Surprised,’ Says Tikkun Editor

    Daniel Treiman | Tue. Feb 06, 2007

    Rabbi Michael Lerner, the longtime activist and editor of Tikkun magazine, has published an essay saying he is open to the possibility that the American government may have been behind the September 11 terrorist attacks.


    9/11 SKEPTIC INCARCERATED FOR "evaluation."

    FROM: Veterans for 9/11 Truth
    Sunday, February 04, 2007

    Alfons interviews Michael Cook: Michael Cook accused George Bush of being complicit in the 9/11 attacks, he is now being incarcerated for psychology evaluation by the federal government. Michael Cook.mp3 --- Read More -

    This is a brief history of my legal problems. There are potentially lucrative lawsuits in the information presented here, and much more in information not presented here, for attorneys willing to take them on. I have no criminal record and a very respectable background.
    In April of 2005, I shared information on the attacks of 9/11/01 with my teaching assistant. I was working as a special educator....

    ....For folks who are interested, please feel free to write letters to me at Club Fed. Reading and writing letters helps pass the time, but the more letters I get the more the feds will know that folks are watching this case, thereby making it more difficult to railroad me further.

    Peace through Truth and Justice,


    ....Mailing address at the Federal Medical Center- (FMC- Free Mike Cook!)

    Michael Cook
    P.O. Box 14500
    Lexington, Ky. 40512-4500


    Left Gatekeepers Against 9/11 Truth

    The massive gates guarding the public secret of Neocon complicity in the atrocities of 9/11 creaked open a few inches this month when THE NATION magazine was forced to actually publish a few of the torrent of letters berating them for their complicity in helping to cover up the truth about those atrocities. (See below: "Is The Nation Going Sane?")

    Now ALTERNET has seen fit to let discretion be the better part of their invalorous participation in the superbly disciplined conspiracy of deadly silence. Article and discussion:
    AlterNet Revisits 9-11 via Article by Sander Hicks

    WHAT NEXT? Are we witnessing the beginnings of a race to the top by the remaining progressive hold-outs against 9/11 truth? Will PROGRESSIVE MAGAZINE go progressive and start worrying less about watching their backs and their grants and their bank accounts, and more about printing the truth? Will Air America's Ed Schultz and The Young Turks grow up and stop covering up? Will that archeypical bully-boy Alexander Cockburn stop beating up on 9/11 truth in his CounterPunch?

    Will Al Franken take finally to heart what he said (twice, on his February 2 show) is his most treasured advice from Molly Ivins: "DON'T EVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU JUST TELLING THE TRUTH IS NOT ENOUGH."

    From Molly's lips to God's ears.


    Please Help Out Vermonters For A Real 9/11 Investigation

    We Need YOUR Help!

    A movement is quickly growing in the small – yet influential – northeastern city of Burlington, Vermont. We have collected enough signatures to place an advisory question on the ballot asking our congressional delegation "to demand a new, thorough, and truly independent forensic investigation that fully addresses the many questions surrounding the tragic events of September 11, 2001."

    We need to educate our fellow voters about the many unanswered questions surrounding September 11th.We will be talking to as many people as we can, registering new voters and pushing on this issue for discussion. But we need YOUR HELP!...



    [From 911blogger ]

    You may want to go to this site and view the video clip there, to see what got this anti-9/11Truth guy so upset.

    Dennis Kucinich Calls For Some 9/11 Truth

    Man, Kucinich is ON! The only question and I'm not sure if it's necessary is....Did that comment continue on or did it end there with "9/11" and he then go on to the next part of his plan...

    Either way, Kucinich has proven himself to be a real lover of freedom. How about the dream team for this 08'

    Kucinich/Ron Paul

    To people who want to save this country!


    Submitted by Orangutan. on Tue, 01/30/2007 - 1:01am.
    I ran into Mr. Kucinich and his wife in Memphis
    and told him that if he came out for new 9/11 investigations that the Truth movement would get behind him on his call for new investigations.

    If this is in fact what he is doing, then we need to start backing his call for new investigations. My hope is that he will hold a press conference and call for new investigations, this may have been a trial balloon so I think we should email him and give this balloon all the lift we can.

    The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.


    Submitted by LeftWright on Tue, 01/30/2007 - 2:01am.
    Kucinich for 9/11 Truth!
    Fast Fwd to about 3:59 at the front half of the video. It is very quick but he does say "we have a plan and our plan is to tell the truth about nine eleven". I'm not sure what else he could mean with a comment like that.

    "Tell the truth about nine eleven" implies that we have been told lies about nine eleven. He doesn't merely call for a "new investigatgion," rather he calls for an end to the lies. He implies that we already know the truth, we just need to tell the truth. It really doesn't get any clearer than that.

    This is pretty big coming from a sitting member of congress and a democratic presidential contender. As far as I'm concerned, Kucinich has my support!



    The Nation: Letters from readers on 9/11

    I wonder if Bush's more and more evident insistence on all war all the time is making some people reevaluate their position on 911.

    The Nation
    This article can be found on the web at


    [from the February 5, 2007 issue]


    "9/11: The Roots of Paranoia" by Christopher Hayes (Dec. 25) drew more mail than almost any Nation article in memory, except perhaps on the JFK assassination. Letters ran the gamut from the enraged (canceled subscriptions, charges of Nation stonewalling, anger at the use of the term "paranoia") to the complimentary ("My thanks to Mr. Hayes for trying to chart a middle road between credulity and paranoia"). But almost all agree that we don't know the whole story of what happened on September 11, 2001.

    Chris Rose:
    you hear that?
    it's the sound of a huge, massive, disinfo ship changing direction. this is a good sign--we now know never to trust the Nation or any other pseudo alternative news source, but they still want to try to preserve some credibility. this is a great victory, let's keep the heat on these buggers!

    Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero


    9/11 Completed Coup of 2000?

    One point I made in the book is that 9/11 is not necessarily the most significant event of the twenty-first century because I believe that the 2000 presidential election was. I believe that it was unambiguously a coup d’etat, and that that coup was completed with the orchestration by the U.S. government of the 9/11 attacks. Thus, the two events are inextricably connected.

    You know, on the night of the 2000 elections I was teaching at the university in Juarez, Mexico, and I was watching the election returns on TV in the faculty lounge, quite appalled at what I was witnessing. Then one of my colleagues, a friend and a Mexican national, playfully but seriously said to me, “It looks like you Gringos are living what we Mexicans have been living for decades -- dirty elections that have nothing to do with how the people actually voted.”


    Google Blogs Alert for: 9/11 inside job

    9/11 was an inside job says Shayler
    EX-MI5 officer David Shayler, who will be in Liverpool to launch the Truth Movement, tells Paddy Shennan what he thinks about the New York terror attacks.
    icLiverpool - News - Echo News -

    Senators Put Impeachment Back on The Table ~~
    By tortugo23(tortugo23)
    However, the evidence regarding 9/11 indicates that it was largely an inside job by traitorous elements of the US and global elite facilitated by bin Laden's band of delusional punks who had just the right amount of criminality to be ... Mexico New -


    Minnesota Daily Launches Series of 9/11 Truth Columns

    Adri Mehra will be doing a series of five 9/11 truth related columns for the Minnesota Daily, America's largest-circulation college newspaper. (Contact your local college paper and urge them to pick it up and publish it!) The first one was published today:

    The Jenga hypothesis, or how I learned to start worrying - The Minnesota Daily

    At 24 this guy is doing what the Woodwards and Hershes and Krugmans and all the other cowards masquerading as journalists apparently cannot bring themselves to do--confront the truth about the most important historical event of the century. If journalism has a future, this is it. (}

    The Jenga hypothesis, or how I learned to start worrying
    By Adri Mehra
    This is the story of
    one man's baptism
    in the September 11
    truth movement:


    The NIST 911 Report On The World Trade Center Collapse
    By Mark H. Gaffney


    Barrett: Academic freedom is good policy

    (Barrett is a part-time lecturer at UW- Madison.)
    Wisconsin State Journal

    In the former Soviet Union, the monopoly media acted as cheerleader for a brutal, repressive government. Dissident academics were silenced, fired, or institutionalized.

    For two or three years after 9/11, our media served as a megaphone for Bush administration lies, and academics were intimidated into silence....

    ....The excuse that my position is marginal no longer holds, given that only 16 percent of the American people believe the government is telling the truth about 9/11 (New York Times poll) and 36 percent of Americans, and half of New Yorkers, believe top US officials conspired to commit mass murder and high treason on 9/11 (Scripps-Howard and Zogby polls).

    It is long past time for a rational, evidence-based debate on the facts and meaning of 9/11. Any takers?


    Fewer people are believing the official reports on September 11 attacks:



    There is help for you!

    If you are among the 16% who still believe the Neonazicons' conspiracy theory about 9/11, YOU CAN BE HELPED! Simply click on the links below to read the scientific debunking of the Bush pseudoscience fairytale about the WTC 9/11 atrocity.

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