Saturday, February 24, 2007


Gore is favored to win an Oscar. (MORE HERE.) Which makes sense: after all, the vote is limited to folks in Hollywood!

Nevertheless the whole thing smacks of absurdity to me.

Gore's movie is a demagogic, hysterically exaggerated, and FALSE argument about AGW.

Gore winning an Oscar for non-fiction documentaries is like Arafat winning the freakin' 1994 PEACE PRIZE!

(Like the Oscar, the Nobel Peace Prize is another award given by a closed clique of Left-wingers!)

Only when these two groups give posthumous awards to Ronald Reagan will I have any respect for them.

1 comment:

  1. Both awards have now become meaningless when people like this can win them. If Gore and Michael Moore can win Oscars for propaganda films that would make Goebbels proud the awards mean absolutely zilch!! Maybe in the Science Fiction category but not in the documentary category.

    As for the Nobel Peace prize once Arafat and Carter won it, the award also, lost all meaning. Give me a break!!
