Friday, February 16, 2007


It cracks me up when I hear polls and pundit talk about how John McCain is a front-runner for the GOP nomination for President in '08. Unless the Republican Party has completely sold its soul (always a possibility), McCain doesn't have a chance in hell. But wait, some love to say, he may have pissed off the GOP base with his aversion to the Bush tax cuts, campaign finance reform and his love affair with media, but he's really strong on the war on terror.

Oh, really?

While Muslim terrorists plot our demise, the world's socialists are working day and night "fighting" global warming, and McCain is no different as this quote from the BBC proves:
US senator Joe Lieberman forecast that the US Congress would enact a law on cutting emissions by the end of next year, possibly this year. And presidential candidate John McCain, who is co-sponsoring climate legislation with Mr Lieberman, was emphatic on the need for new initiatives. "I am convinced that we have reached the tipping point and that the Congress of the United States will act, with the agreement of the administration," he told the forum.
And you thought Nero spent too much time with his precise violin (a story that may be a myth, but that's for another post).

I'm constantly amazed at the time, money and effort that is being spent to fight a natural phenomenon, while a group of evil zealots plot the destruction of not only America, but the very socialists that attend these ridiculous forums.

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