Thursday, February 15, 2007


1000 Hours, March 17, 2007 - Viet Nam Memorial Wall - Washington, D.C.
The anti-war/anti-America groups are planning a “march to the Pentagon” on March 17, 2007…this group has intentions that defenders of freedom cannot overlook or allow to occur…there must be a challenge.

Here’s a portion from the “anti-war” web site March 17 —
March on Pentagon!: Time to Turn Up the Heat! that causes considerable concern: “The biggest single group of new volunteers and activists are soldiers and marines who have returned from Iraq. Their family members and other veterans are also organizing to March on the Pentagon. The opening rally will assemble at the Vietnam Memorial (Constitution Gardens) at noon.”
The anti-war/anti-America group cannot be allowed to use the Viet Nam Memorial Wall as a back-drop to their anti-America venom and stain the hallowed ground that virtually cries out with blood at the thought of this proposed desecration… it must not happy...

Many are encouraging a ”Gathering of Eagles” (symbolic of our freedom) at the Viet Nam Memorial Wall on March 17, 2007...
Read the rest at Always On Watch Two.

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