Sunday, February 18, 2007

Low Cost Fusion Reactor?

Dr. Robert Bussard, formerly of the AEC, has come up with a design for an easy to build, low cost no radiation fusion reactor. He has given a talk about it at Google.

Dr. Bussard Talks

Here are some of the benefits:
  • End Water Shortages Forever
  • Global Economic Stability
  • Cheap, Clean Thermal/Electric Power Readily Available
  • Fixed Energy Prices Stabilize Economy
  • Low Value Cane In Third World Countries Becomes High Value Export Product
  • Third World Nations Can Become Economically Viable
  • Destroys World Market For Gasoline
  • Eliminates Effect Of Oil Cartels
  • Oil States Suffer Drastic Income Losses (audience: laughter - ed.)
  • Desalinization Plants Allow Irrigation Of Arid Lands

More details and technical discussion can be found at Easy Low Cost No Radiation Fusion. It will take some effort to make this happen. If you can help contact me at "Easy Low Cost...." My e-mail is on the sidebar.

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