Thursday, February 22, 2007


Life expectancy for a Russian man is 15 to 20 years lower than in Japan, the United States or the richest European countries.

While a Russian woman lives, on average, seven to 13 years longer than a Russian man, her life expectancy is also poor by international comparison. The demographic crisis is an extremely sensitive matter politically. Leading medical specialists accuse the authorities of chronic inaction, even of being in denial about the extent of the crisis, our analyst says. They point out that much of Russia's health crisis is the result of unhealthy life-styles, especially very high rates of smoking and alcohol abuse. Yet there is still no concerted effort to persuade, or force, people to adopt healthier ways, our analyst adds.

There are also environmental issues - last year, a survey by an American research centre said that half of the world's most polluted places were in the former Soviet Union.
Socialists tell you they're gonna make society a workers' paradise, but it's really hell on earth.

In evil, selfish, dirty, greedy USA - and its lackey running dog ally Japan - life is really much better for everyone. Always has been, too.


  1. Tobacco is an anti-depressant.

    You will not fix the smoking problem until you fix the depression problem.

    I might also note that marijuana is a safer alternative, but as in most places in the world it is illegal.

    Alcohol is a depressant. Which is good if you want to forget your current conditions and poor prospects.

    The first thing that must be done to solve any drug problem is to find out why people take drugs.

    Drugs are a symptom, not a cause.

  2. Reliapundit,
    I can't say that I'm surprised by these stats. Living in a state of depression (a la Dostoevsky) shortens life.
