Monday, February 19, 2007


Here at The Astute Bloggers, we're always keeping an eye on political correctness in America. We also know that "political correctness" is just a politically correct(!) term for Cultural Marxism.

To wit, Linda Kimball over at The American Thinker has an excellent primer on the rise of this scourge, the best such piece I've read since Punditarian's recent posts. Here's a little taste:
A corresponding and diabolically crafted idea is political correctness. The strong suggestion here is that in order for one not to be thought of as racist or fascist, then one must not only be nonjudgmental but must also embrace the ‘new' moral absolutes: diversity, choice, sensitivity, sexual orientation, and tolerance. Political correctness is a Machiavellian psychological ‘command and control' device. Its purpose is the imposition of uniformity in thought, speech, and behavior.

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