Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Iran Calls on Muslims to Retaliate for Temple Mount Work

The head ayatollah called today on all Islamic nations to rise up and punish Israel. (Yes, again.)

This time it’s for construction work at the Temple Mount, one of Judaism’s holiest sites—and one of Islam’s longest-running brazen hoaxes: Iranian Urges Action Vs. Holy Site Work.
TAB had this yesterday (BEFORE LGF) - and linked to a TAB post from LAST YEAR in which we debunked the AL AKSA MOSQUE BS. We predicted that the jihado-maniacs would try to use this as a pretext for another intifada, or at least to unite Fatah and Hamas. And Iran - which backs Hamas (and Hizballah) is doing just that.

TAB also posted on the anti-semitic DHIMMI CARTER's response to the Simon Weisenthal Center's criticism of his book - A DAY BEFORE LGF.

Which all just proves - once again - that TAB is the place to be for the best in the latest news with original HARD-HITTING analysis and commentary.

It either proves that, or that Charles reads TAB everyday! Heh.

And read this article about AL AKSA; (hat tip LGF).

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