Thursday, January 25, 2007


GLASOV: Qutb was an Islamic fanatic who was full of hatred. He was intoxicated by a death cult based on martyrdom through jihad.

Yes, Qutb obviously believed that we were “immoral” -- in the sense that any Muslim radical believes that anything non-Muslim is immoral. In his view, immorality was anything connected to humans pursuing earthly happiness and joy -- and anything that didn’t involve giving one’s life through jihad.

In terms of the U.S., Qutb was enraged when he saw people dancing at a church social in Colorado in the 1940s. And let’s just get a glimpse of the mindset here: the dancing there was nothing compared to the dancing of today. And whatever it is that one might think of the dancing today, one thing is for sure: no one of sound mind would have called the dancing at the church social in Colorado in 1940 as being “immoral” by any rational standard.

The bottom line is that Qutb was enraged that people were enjoying music and life, because the purpose of life was death through jihad. And this disposition was akin to the Leninist hatred of cheer on earth.
If someone wants to lead an ascetic life, I say fine. When they want to IMPOSE their asceticism on me I say, over my dead body. Amish people and Hasidic people live in among us (many in enclaves) according to a law they feel is higher than those we have written by mutual consent. THEY DO NOT SEEK TO IMPOSE THEIRS ON US; THEY DO NOT EVEN PROSELYTIZE. Islamo-nazis DO.

And Leftists do too, in their way - with all their nanny-state BS.

I say the Founding Fathers were right: we should each be free to pursue what makes us happy. The Declaration makes this clear: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are the ultimate goals in life.

And I say that the Ten Commandments makes this VERY clear, too: After all, there are only these Ten things ya gotta watch out fer - a few you must do, and a bunch you cannot do - and EVERYTHING ELSE IS OKAY. (Jews have an additional 600 or so commandments - with NO additional privileges.) The ultimate UNIVERSAL human right is our right to pursue our own happiness. This pisses of the enemies of liberty. They wanna boss everyone else around.

"Live Free or Die" might means "Live Happy or Die - And Let Each Decide his own Happiness." The jihadists and the Leftists want to decide for you. We mustn't let them.


  1. Did you listen to my radio show from last night. This is one of the main topics we dealt with. I had a friend of mine on who is a minor league rock to ilustrate the point. My friend lives a life that he could only live in the West. In the Islamic world, he would be killed for the life he leads.

  2. thanks for the sugg. did it. btw: luv pat santy!

    come back! and when u have time, google a few col keywords here to check out our archives.

    all the best!
