Sunday, January 07, 2007


Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times:
Is America frightened by women in power?

The issue was glimpsed last week, lurking in the shadows, when Rep. Nancy Pelosi took up her gavel as our nation's first female speaker of the House, though we haven't begun to confront it yet.

I thought we worked this all out in the 1970s. But women leaders must still be scary, at least to a portion of the electorate. Why else would the Drudge Report keep posting that photo of Pelosi brandishing a black leather whip? As if some have a hard time imagining a strong female beyond Cat-woman or Mistress Helga.

Complex. Freudian. Luckily, there's no need to fall over ourselves rushing to figure this out today. We have at least a year to wrestle with the issue, as Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign reaches its inevitable crescendo and flame-out.

No Mr. Steinberg, what frightens me is a person, man or woman, who goes on a huge ego trip like we've seen from Pelosi this week. My G-d... you won the Speakership, fine, now get over it and get to work.

I haven't seen this much self-aggrandizement since Terrell Owens was with the Eagles. It's like Rush Limbaugh always says: Liberals are bad losers, but they're even worse winners.

Either they're mad as hell that they don't hold every elected office in the country or they're going on a narcissistic binge like John McCain on speed.

President Bush, I really hope you have the courage to use your veto power, otherwise, it's only gonna get worse.

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