Tuesday, January 23, 2007


When I looked into who Norman Finkelstein was the first thought that came to mind is he must be David Duke's long lost brother.

Patrick Ishmael gave me the heads up about Finkelstein being slated to speak at SLU (Saint Louis University) on January 30th . Just another testament to how leftist Universities embrace anti-semites.

Finkelstein is the author of "The Holocaust Industry". To give you an idea of where he is coming from, Noam Chomsky is a big fan of the book and a good friend of Finkelstein's.

Check out Ishmael's post on this to see Finkelstein's Lebanese interview. Also, you may want to let SLU know what you think about having Finkelstein on their campus.

Reliapundit adds: Finkelstein's in "good" company with Chomsky, Jimmy Carter, David Duke, David Irving and Arafat and Binladen and Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad!

Here's a link to a pro-palestinian/pro-Jimmy Carter article he wrote for the leftist mag Znet. And here's a link to a pro-palestinian book of his - in which he defends the intifada.

He defends jihadoterrorists and Nazis - two of the most ruthless genocidal hate-groups of all time, and condemns Israel and Jews - the most besieged nation on the globe and the most persecuted people on the Earth in all of human history. Say no more.


  1. That is an amazing comment.

  2. i'm a jew.

    i was taught that gentiles can go to heacen for keeping the noachide code- or the 10 commandments.

    jews have extra commandents. this blessinbg is a burden which gains uis nothing more than extra work.

    there is no extra credit heaven.

    in this sense, judaism is the one true universalist religion of all the monotheistic ones.

    the torah is filled with blessed gentiles.

    some of the heros of the so called "old" testament are gentiles. many married jews.

    they are revered.

    your feelings about jews and judaism are based on lies.

    without the so called "old" testament, there'd be no new testament, and without that there'd be no democracy or universal human rights or natural law within western civilization.

    the idea that we are all created equal by our Creator and that only His laws are eternal and that each of us must obey them - whether one is a poor ignorant slob or a member of the landed aristocracy - comes from judaism.

    the promised land was suppoesed to be governed by judges and opeate as a republic. but the poeple wanted a kingdom.

    sometimes the kings were good and sometimes they were bad - even wicked.

    much of what has befallen jews is a result of having turned away from God.

    we must all truned toward God.

    Jew and Gentile.

  3. Yeah, as a Christian, let me second that, Reliapundit. Christ died for ALL of our sins, not just the sins of the Jews. Every hammer hit that drove the nails into Christs hands and feet came from the sins of everyone, not just one group.

    Additionally, Jesus and all the early disciples were Jewish themselves. And, they all worshipped in the Temple alongside their fellow Jews.

    The Christian Bible says that the schism that developed between Judaism and Christianity is a false one. It has developed as part of God's plan to allow "the fullness of the Gentiles" to attain salvation.

    After that, "all Israel will be saved."

    There is no room for anti-Semitism in Christianity.

  4. you wrote:

    "The Talmud and Kabbala which are held higher then the Old Testament in mainstream jewish society "

    this has no basis in fact or in reality; it is INSANE!

    you wrote:

    "Judiasm is self-worship, it has little to with the OT or the hebrews."

    this is insane.

    Ayn Rand was an atheist; objectivism is hostile to religion.

    you , samhain, are an ass and a flamingly irrational anti-semite. fuck off you boring and irrational and ill-informed fuckwad. and a leftist. typical of lefism - the home of hitlerian anti-semitism, jimmy carteresque anti-semtism, sheehanesque anti-semitism. etc. buhbyee
