Monday, January 29, 2007


I worked my tail off volunteering for Jim Talent last year. So it was a big blow and loss for me when he lost to Claire McCaskill.

The night of the election I figured out how old I would be before we could even have a chance to vote her out. Even more frustrating than seeing Nancy Pelosi in the Speaker's chair the night of the SOTU was seeing Claire McCaskill in the audience.

She has already made several negative headlines including this one, Your cash ain't nothin' but trash.

The Federal Election Commission says Sen. Claire McCaskill’s campaign may have accepted “excessive and/or prohibited” donations from 19 people in the final weeks of the 2006 election.

Imagine that, and here I thought her and Nancy Pelosi were going to combat the "culture of corruption" in Washington. It is going to be a long six years.

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