Wednesday, January 10, 2007


It appears that the problems in Iran are deeper than they appear to the West. After reading that thousands are dying each month from poor air quality in Teheran, it has now been reported that the Iranian Regime is planning to ration gasoline beginning in March.

Iran, which is one of the worlds largest oil producing nations, actually imports 57% of its refined gasoline. The smog reports indicate they are purchasing low grade product, which is sold at below-market prices, and which in turn is often being resold in the "free" market. This means that Iran lacks refining capacity to meet its own needs, and is using cheap petroleum to prop up it's regime - and that there are many profiteers enjoying the situation. (and I would guess that the biggest profits of this black market trade are going into the pockets of corrupt government officials and their relatives)

This demonstrates that the regime of Iran is in the process of ruining the economy - and that sanctions can be effective. However, North Korea is proof that a totalitarian regime - especially one with the valuable natural resources Iran posesses - cannot be persuaded by sanctions alone. That's why I expect military action against the nuclear facilities in Iran.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that what you say is true. The 3,600 deaths they have experienced as a result of smog in Teheran is nothing compared to the 15,000 they experienced in Paris two years ago as a result of heat, and France didn't even begin to topple, but still I continue to hope along with you.

    We shall see.
