Saturday, January 13, 2007


It’s always been my belief that the Democrats have a built-in advantage because they’re the party who are going to tax “the other guy” and give you all kinds of free stuff.

When the Republicans fail to live up to their pledge of fiscal responsibility, they blur the distinction between the parties… and lose.
How true. The Cut & Run Reds will only tax the other guy for the benefit of "the common good." This is their platform in a nutshell. It is socialism with a nanny's face. It has always failed because it reduces liberty and liberty is the engine of prosperity. You can NOT redistribute your way to prosperity.

When the GOP fails to reduce spending and taxes, it fails to offer an alternative. And that's why conservative people stay home - instead of voting, and that's why the Cut & Run Reds win. And then - INEVITABLY - our taxes go up, and we appease the enemies abroad. And both are disasterous.

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