Friday, January 05, 2007


From Davidsmedienkritik critic we read:

In the introductory headline to a series on American history that the publication has had online since at least 2002, Stern magazine (one of Germany's most widely-read weeklies) writes:

"The History of the USA: No nation has ever dominated the globe like the USA. And its people could care less about the rest of humanity."

Really? Is that why the USA sacrificed the lives of hundreds of thousands of its sons and daughters to liberate Germany from National Socialism? Is that why the United States spent billions to defend and rebuild West German democracy for decades on end? Is that why the United States helped Germans to establish the very democracy that guarantees German journalists the freedom to make outrageous, dehumanizing, sweeping anti-American statements like the one above?....

Now for some bad news: This won't end anytime soon. Stern's readers can't go without a steady diet of America-baiting. Hatred is a part of their ideological existence and they expect the magazine to deliver the goods.
America seems to have replaced the Jews as the hate-object of socialistic Germans. It fits in with a recent post of mine elsewhere: Americans as the new Jews. The whole post that I have excerpted above is well worth reading.

(Technical note: The original German in "Stern" reads: "Dem Volk is der Rest der Menscheit egal", which I would translate as: "To the American people the rest of humanity is a matter of indifference". The translation I have quoted above could be seen as ambiguous)

Above post crossposted from Tongue Tied

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