Sunday, January 28, 2007


BBC: No let-up as Gaza factions fight

Protesters in the Gaza Strip Gunmen from rival Palestinian factions are continuing to trade fire in the Gaza Strip as their deadly power struggle shows no sign of abating. Gunfire and exploding grenades could be heard in Gaza City early on Sunday. Fighting between the governing Hamas faction and its political rival, Fatah, has left at least 22 dead since Thursday, the worst violence in months. The clashes have halted attempts to hold talks on forming a Palestinian national unity government.
Similar sectarian strife is hurting Iraq's unity government, as is similar sectarian strife hurting Lebanon's unity government. SEE A FREAKIN' PATTERN HERE!? I think this pattern exists because the fundamental teachings of the koran are violent; in other words: Binladenism is NOT apostasy; as Irshad Manji has repeatedly said, jihadism is a belief in the LITERAL koran; it is NOT made-up out of whole cloth.

NOW... I would rather there be peace-loving unity governments in Gaza and Lebanon and Iraq, but if - and as long as - these extremist animals are killing each other... well that's JUST FINE by me. Let them all die.

And if Arabs or Muslims have a problem with this internecine warfare, then let them convene the OIC and Arab League and let THEM do something about it! And if they want our help - and the help of the West, then let's help them WITH CONDITIONS: they must end misogyny; honor-killings; polygamy, and intolerance of NON-MUSLIM faiths. Otherwise they can all just go to hell.

In addition, if and when the democratically elected government of Iraq wants us to leave, then they should just take a parliamentary vote and ask us to leave. WE WILL. Until then we should do whatever it takes to complete the mission successfully.


  1. Can these factions bump each other off fast enough?

  2. fast or slow, who cares... as long as these extremists do a thorough job of killing all the extremists...
