Friday, January 12, 2007


THE DEM LEFTIE DOVES - AKA THE CUT & RUN REDS - ARE AT IT AGAIN: they're calling the Bush Surge an ESCALATION. This is part of their continuing and concerted propaganda effort to conflate Iraq with Vietnam.

And it DOVETAILS nicely into their knee-jerk moral equivalence: calling it an ESCALATION equates our retaliation and counter-measures with the enemy's barbarous attacks. As if was all tit-for-tat and a mere cycle of violence.

The ALLIED invasion on D-Day was not called an escalation. And FDR was never charged with exacerbating violence by fighting back, nor derided as a chickenhawk for insisting we fight back until we achieve victory. FDR escaped these charges because in WW2 the USA was allied with the USSR.

Which leads me to share with you all a brilliant suggestion made by feloow TAB blogger Punditarian: All Bush has to do to unite the Democrats and the MSM and the EU behind our efforts to support the nascent democracy in Iraq, is ask Maliki to change the name of Iraq to the DPR of Iraq and then change the name of his party from Dawn to the Socialist Worker's Party of Iraq.


  1. The recollection of Viet Nam is descriptive of Leftist tactics and strategy. It has that only in common. I remember the leftists from when I was in Viet Nam - proudly, I might add. They have not changed. They are still the losers that they were then and will remain that.

    Communism is multicultural and has entwined itself in our system. We need to eliminate it. We need to begin with the media.

  2. RIGHT ON!

    And thank you for your service. Vietnam was a noble cause the military was winning. Vietnamization was a success, and if the dem/dove/cut&run reds hadn't pulled the plug on our South Vietnamese allies then we'd be driving South Vietnamese cars and using South Vietnamese cellphones the way we do South Korean cars and cellphones. More importantly: there'd a been no Boat People, no Pol Pot, and the 30 MILLION South Vietnamese wouldn't have been ABANDONED to totalitarianism and the poverty tyranny causes.

    God Bless Our troops!
