Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Cancer Death Rates Down Despite Climbing Elderly Population - Make Way For The Next Health Scare


Don't get me wrong, I love that scientists make it their life's mission to stamp out this or that killer disease, but I have always been amused by the ninnies on the sidelines shouting about how "cancer is on the increase" which they invariably blamed on this or that aspect of the Capitalist system, whether it was pollution, or chemicals in foods, or soft drinks, or whatever.

Here, I'm gonna let you all in on a little secret: WE ALL DIE OF SOMETHING!!!

Now that the rate of cancer deaths is declining, the rate of deaths from other diseases will inevitably increase. Likely, more people will die of strokes, and we will be treated to article after article produced by the Instant Crisis Generator at the Foundation for the Vast Liberal Conspiracy (which, from what I hear, is headquartered somewhere deep beneath the Humanities building on the campus of UC Berkeley).

It used to be that people would keel over of a heart attack at 59 years of age, but science and medicine have brought us to a place where heart disease is not the threat it used to be. Then, it was cancer. Next, stroke, or whatever.

As Rosanne Rosanna Danna used to say, "If it ain't one thing, it's something else."

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