Wednesday, January 17, 2007


John Bolton has stated that he believes it should be the objective of American foreign policy that North Korea should be pushed towards collapse:
TOKYO - The six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear weapons program have failed and the world should push the impoverished regime toward collapse, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said Wednesday. John Bolton, who left the U.N. in December, said the United States and Japan should enlist China and South Korea in efforts to put further pressure on North Korea, which he said has no intention of verifiably giving up its nuclear weapons program.

"The only answer ... is the collapse of the North Korean regime and the hopefully peaceful reunification of Korea, and that should be our objective," Bolton, now a senior fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, told reporters.
This man is my dark horse candidate for President in 2008. And, I will make this prediction; if the United States is hit by a terrorist attack, anytime between now and June/July of 2008, which kills more than 10,000 people, John Bolton will be elected President.

Reliapundit adds: only if he shaves off that mustache! Actually, the collapse of the Stalinist North Korea would be bad for South Korea, and that's the only reason we have been propping up Kim for the last decade. [ASIDE: There is no downside to the collapse of the Iranian regime.]


  1. I actually think the moustache makes him even more a viable candidate, especially in the event of a major terrorist attack. I think Bolton looks like a throwback to our country's founding fathers. The American people will be looking for such a man when our backs are against the wall.

  2. As for the North Korea/South Korea picture, I didn't know that. To me that doesn't make sense. What are they worried about an influx of cheap labor?

  3. absorbing east germany set back the west two decades. they're still having indigestion.
    north korea is so effed up that it would as if germany had to absorb the east AND russia.

  4. Ok, but the existing Germany is better than the old West Germany and East Germany put together, isn't it?
