Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama said that U.S. combat forces should be out of Iraq by spring 2008 ...
Okay ... he didn't specify the exact date and time - just the season and the month, but "3/08" is so effin' ARBITRARY he night as well have picked a date and a time out of his... er um HAT.

Or here's another idea: if he's so damn concerned about our troops - (and NOT their mission), then why not also withdraw troops from all the other places they've been for decades, like South Korea and Japan and Germany while he's at it?

Why is having troops in South Korea, ( a mature democracy we helped create and helped defend for the last FIVE decades), more important that having them in Iraq where they are defending a NASCENT democracy and killing thousands of jihadists who might otherwise be flying into buildings a few blocks from my home!?

I REALLY think that the doves of the Left who control the Democrat party are scum. I said this FOR MONTHS before the last election: that if they had the chance that they would do to the Iraqis what they did to the South Vietnamese and the Contras: ABANDON THEM TO TYRANNY. Well, that's just what's happening. Feingold and Hillary and Obama and Biden and the rest - ALL of the Dems save Joe Lieberman - ALL SCUM planning to cut off funds (or amend the AUMF) while we are in the middle of a damn war! They may or may not have the constitutional power to do so. But they sure as heck shouldn't do it. It will only help the enemy.

But maybe that's what really want, way deep down in their Leftist anti-American anti-Judeo Christian hearts? IS THAT TOO WACKY TO POST?!? Nope. If they REALLY believed in the USA then they would want to continue the fight to defend it - no matter the time or the costs. Like our troops do.

God Bless Our Troops. God scorn our enemies - foreign and domestic - and the ones in Congress.

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