Thursday, January 11, 2007

Attack on Political Freedom in England

To the British Left, having views critical of immigration means that you must be hounded out of your job:
"Anti-racism campaigners are to protest at the English National Ballet after a dancer admitted being a member of the British National Party. Principal dancer Simone Clarke was revealed to be a member of the party by the Guardian newspaper last month. She has since defended her beliefs, and says the BNP is "the only party to take a stand" on issues like immigration.

Campaign group Unite Against Fascism (UAF) is calling for the 36-year-old ballerina to be sacked. It is planning to protest outside a performance of Giselle, in which Clarke takes the lead role, at the London Coliseum later this week...

The BNP currently holds more than 50 council seats in the UK. On its website, it portrays itself as the only party "prepared to defend our traditional principles against the politically correct agenda" of Tony Blair and David Cameron.
Update: A good comment from a reader:
"The Left has officially become what they profess to hate: "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the British National Party?""
Update 2

The English National Ballet is sending out the following reply to people who have emailed them about Simone Clarke. The "but" in the last sentence sounds ominous:
"English National Ballet does not comment on political affiliations of any of its employees nor any other aspects of their personal lives. English National Ballet is an equal opportunities employer and prides itself in the ethnic diversity of all its employees. I can confirm that Simone will continue to dance as usual throughout our Christmas Season and our Spring Tour, but casting is always subject to change."
Above post crossposted from Tongue Tied. Previous TAB post on this ballerina HERE.

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