Monday, January 22, 2007

Are The Terrorist Forces In Iraq Ramping Up In Preparation For The State Of The Union Address?

Clearly, they are ramping up their attacks. Check this out:
BAGHDAD, Jan. 21 — The United States military said that two marines died Sunday in western Iraq and that an additional seven service members died Saturday. The deaths brought the weekend toll to 27 and made Saturday the third-deadliest day for United States forces since the war here began.
The enemy now knows they only have to keep it up for another year to win.They know how many troops we are sending and they know where. And, they know the score. They know the Democrats are poised to give up.

This morning I did something I very rarely do. I watched television. And, Diane Sawyer was droning on and on about the weekend's death toll. It occurred to me that in World War II, such reports would not have been made public at all. The reporting on the war was all big picture. Did we gain ground? Did we win or lose this or that major battle? Casualty rates would not have been the main part of the report, and for the most part, they came to light more as rumor than as hard fact.

That's the way it needs to be to win a war.

The way we fight our information war in this day and age is suicidal, and it needs to stop.

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