Monday, January 22, 2007


The Gramscian left has won another victory against Western civilization.
Just persuading the gliberal glitterati to accept bestiality as a normal subject for a normal film would go a long way towards undermining marriage and family in America.

But they have gone even further than that in their depraved attack on decency.

They have succeeded in making it (in the words of the Sundance Festival's official website) "as smart as it is eloquent."

By undermining the foundations of our culture from within, the Gramscian left seeks to render us too weak to withstand the attacks the come from without.

Perversely, although they appear to favor every form of license and the most extreme manifestations of irresponsibility and recklessness, they seek to destroy every traditional human institution (such as church & family) only in order to foster their dystopian State, in which only the State is permitted to mediate any and every aspect of daily life.

Reliapundit adds: The post modern, Gramscian Left wants liberty without Natural Law; this is of course nothing more than libertinage, and it's decadent - perniciously so. These statists are like perverted nannies: they want a strong state in order to mainstream (IOW: force down your throat) their decadence, and also to regulate things like smoking on private property. If he were alive today, the tyrant Caligula would be a member of the Gramscian Left - he'd probably live in SF and vote for Pelosi. Heck: he'd be a big fundraiser for her and the rest of the New Democrats! [Then again, perhaps Caligula was not as bad as toay's Gramscian left: he merely made his favorite horse a Senator; he didn't have sex with it - at least that was never alleged publicly!]

Previous TAB posts on the Gramscian Left HERE and HERE and HERE.


  1. I tend to agree with the historians quoted in the Wikipedia article about Incitatus, that Caligula was not insane, and promoted the horse to Equestrian rank, threatening to appoint him to the Senate or as Consul, as a way of ridiculing the artistocratic Senators and the institution they represented. I think that Caligula would have ridiculed the equinophile promoters of bestiality who have made themselves welcome in the salons of the glitterati.

  2. yes. u r right.

    BTW: i call them the CHIC DEGNERATI.
