Thursday, December 28, 2006


You gotta love it when your enemies tell the truth. Now, if only Europe will listen to this:
Norway's most controversial refugee, Mullah Krekar, told an Oslo newspaper on Monday that there's a war going on between "the West" and Islam. He said he's sure that Islam will win, and he also had praise for suspected terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

"We're the ones who will change you," Krekar told Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet in his first interview since an uproar broke out over cartoons deemed offensive to Muslims.

"Just look at the development within Europe, where the number of Muslims is expanding like mosquitoes," Krekar said. "Every western woman in the EU is producing an average of 1.4 children. Every Muslim woman in the same countries are producing 3.5 children.
The answer is deportation. Europe must start identifying radicals, and deporting them. This will surely breed more radicals, or at least bring them out of the closet, as they protest the deportation policy in the public eye. So then, deport those radicals as well. And, deport the ones who protest the second wave of deportations, and the next, and the next. After awhile, Europe will only be left with those Muslims who enjoy living in Europe enough to keep their mouths shut.

Think my solution is radical? I promise you this, it is not as radical as the solutions that will be proposed if European governments fail to deal with this problem before the first big WMD attack. What seems radical today will seem the height of prudence tomorrow. Just listen to what these people are telling us. They are telling us they want to kill us, rid our lands of our children, wipe us off the map, make us go away "like the Pharoahs." Unfailingly, it is the leaders of the Muslim community who tell us these things, not the fringe people.

Only a fool would not heed the warning.

1 comment:

  1. Western Europe is now receiving thousands of Eastern European Christian immigrants - who are being employed at much higher rates than the Islamic immigrants. These two factors should balance the effect of high muslim birthrates. Of course the proposed entry of Turkey into the EU would change all that - but I dont think that will happen in the next 10 or 20 years.
