Friday, December 22, 2006


HEY, YO, ECO-NUTSIES, DIG THIS: Earth's Climate Changes in Tune with Eccentric Orbital Rhythms
Ocean sediment reveals the pattern behind the rise and fall of ice ages and the shape of Earth's orbit. ...

Limiting their analysis to the Oligocene--a glacial time period that lasted between roughly 34 million and 23 million years ago--the researchers found that global climate responds to slight changes in the amount of sunlight hitting Earth during shifts in its orbit between elliptical and circular.

"Of all the records so far, this is both the longest and, also, the clearest that most of the climatic variations between glacial and interglacial at that time [were] most likely related to orbital cycles," Pälike says.

... the researchers found that patterns of glaciation and ice retreat followed the eccentricity of our planet's orbitthey report in the December 22 Science.
IOW: climate change is natural. And unavoidable. Taxes won't stop it. So, my ecologically hysterical anti-fossil fuel friends... just STFU. Please.

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