Sunday, December 10, 2006


Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has criticised some of the main findings of a high-level US report calling for a change of strategy in Iraq. Mr Talabani rejected the Iraq Study Group's proposal to withdraw US troops if Iraq failed to strengthen security.

He also objected to including former regime members in reconciliation talks.
His comments come as outgoing US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made a surprise visit to Iraq to thank US troops for their efforts in the war. "[The report] contains dangerous articles which undermine the sovereignty of Iraq and its constitution" - Jalal Talabani
SO... IRAQ - a new democracy and a new ally of thhe West in the GWOT - WANTS us to stay until they can defend themselves. In addition, the USA occupation of Iraq is required by the UNSC and international law.

So all those who say we should leave by a time-table are essentially advocated ABANDONING an ally and violating international law! AND FOR WHAT!?!?! To appease our enemies!? Sheesh.

Never has a more stupid, insidious, odious, cowardly and foolish proposal been made in wartime.

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