Wednesday, December 27, 2006

PIPES: THE ENEMY WITHIN CAN CAUSE OUR DEFEAT: "pacifism, self-hatred, complacency "

PIPES: We defeated the Nazis and the commies - who had vast war-machines. Islamicists are not as well equipped - yet! - but could defeat us. WHY?! Because of our pacifism, self-hatred, complacency. RTWT.

I have long argued that these three defeatist attitudes are primarily caused by post modernism. (Google "post modern" at this blog; you might find a few post on it!).

1 comment:

  1. Note the concluding paragraph of Pipes's essay:

    Should Islamists get smart and avoid mass destruction, but instead stick to the lawful, political, non-violent route, and should their movement remain vital, it is difficult to see what will stop them.

    I think that Islamists have already wised up.

    Sorry to be so negative.
