Thursday, December 21, 2006


As reported in the Telegraph, the interpreter for Britain's commander in Afghanistan is being charged with spying for Iran. Corporal Daniel James is being charged with spying under the 1911 State Secrets Act. The Act has not been invoked since 1984. Corporal James has been the interpreter for Lt General David Richards, commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan. As the Telegraph puts it:

James is of Iranian descent and speaks fluent Pashtun, the main language in Afghanistan, making him invaluable to the Army which is very short of translators. Neighbours at his £800,000 house in Brighton, said his mother speaks only Farsi, the main language of Iran.

In a recent interview for a Forces magazine, James spoke of the battle for hearts and minds in Afghanistan. "Any verbal contact is better than no contact," he said. "Patrols help civilians see troops in a good light. If you see a strange man with a gun, you automatically think of him as hostile. If he smiles and asks you how you are doing or for directions, you will think differently of him. Nine out of 10 people start treating me as one of their own and actually help me as much as they possibly can with information when I speak their native language."

Well, maybe that's not the only reason that enemy personnel treat him as "one of their own."

And with his mother in an £800,000 house, he's hardly reacting to his underprivileged, marginalized status.

The jihadis are unable to bring down Western civilization on their own. They require the services of traitors in order to accomplish their evil designs.

We must beware of those who would, like Ephialtes of Trachis, provide our enemies with the crucial information that will allow them to succeed.

Traitors, useful idiots, and fellow-travelers.

1 comment:

  1. how many other interpreters in the mil and fbi and cia are moles.
