Monday, December 11, 2006


It is always interesting to observe how events are reported. Today we have a story of the murder of three young boys - the children of a Fatah intelligence officer - liquidated by Hamas gunmen - either as payback for an old score, or as part of the current power struggle in the PA, or BOTH!

A secondary story is now trying to put these murderous dogs in a better light - by floating the idea that the victims were somehow caught in the crossfire of a gunfight between unidentified gunmen and Hamas. Bullshit!!! - the photo and text on BBC is pretty clear: 70 shots into the car carrying the boys clearly demonstrates that these children were the targets of the attack and NOT innocent bystanders. (And then there are the NUTS who blame it on Israel/Mossad!!!)

What does this tell us of the Enemy: that they will murder the children of their political RIVALS! (And their allies in the media are willing to repackage the truth to make thier deeds palatable!)

These same people, who publicly proclaim that they intend to destroy Israel and the USA, certainly intend to treat our children no better. The IslamoFacistJihidistas intend to persevere until they win or are destroyed. And we have no choice but to face them - and destroy them. Without handwringing about the thousands of innocents who inevitably will be killed, maimed, and abused in the process!

But instead we are divided, and lacking the leaders who are willing to shoulder the burdens of power - and to make the tough decisions that are necessary to defeat these evil murderers. In the short term I am afraid the West will need to suffer severe and terrible losses before an appropriate response to this real threat to our freedom and culture is formulated and executed.


1 comment:

  1. Here's a question for Mr. Baker, Mr. Carter, and Mr. Blair and Mr. Hamilton:

    How is this barabaric killing linked to Iraq or Bush or Israel?

    Gaza has been autonomous for a long time.

    This kind of crap is wholly a result of their own mishigas.

    These jihadothugs are mushuganah - dangerously so.

    We m ustnl;t waste any more time tryinbg to reason with them.

    They must be vanquished - with bullets, bombs and bayonets.
