Friday, December 08, 2006


The irony shouldn't be lost on anyone. In the same week that John Bolton - the most effective U.N. Ambassadors we've had since Jeane Kirkpatrick - quits his job due to Democratic Party/Stalinists pressure, Kirkpatrick passes away. She was our version of Margaret Thatcher: a strong conservative woman, more intelligent than attractive with a commanding voice and a sometimes gruff style. She, like her boss, Ronald Reagan, was a Democrat before making the conversion to Reagan Conservativism.

Bill Bennett, a former secretary of education under Reagan, the nation's drug czar under the first President Bush and a leading conservative opinion-maker, called her "very forceful, very strong, a daughter of Oklahoma, great sense of humor. She held her own."

Bennett said the Iraq Study Group so prominently in the news "would have been better with Jeane Kirkpatrick on it ... She had no patience with tyrannies, said they had to be confronted, you couldn't deal with tyrannies, that there were some people you could work with - these people you couldn't."

Let's hope she's not the last of her kind.

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