Friday, December 08, 2006

DEMEMBER 8TH, 1941 - was the date FDR set the goal for the USA in war

TODAY - NOT YESTERDAY - IS THE ANNIVRSARY OF FDR'S GREAT SPEECH. Many MANY bloggers posted on it yesterday - because it was the anniversary of the BOMBING of Pearl Harbor.

THE ASTUTE BLOGGER posted on it LAST SUNDAY - in anticipation of the anniversary, and because we at TAB saw the comparison (between our strong resolute and unified efforts then and our ambivalent and half-assed efforts now), FIRST. As usual, TAB scooped the ENTIRE BLOGOSHERE. VDH, Power Line, Michele, the Captain... ALL OF THEM! Spread the word.

Here's what FDR said:
As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
Here's some of what we posted:
It was called unconditional VICTORY.
Pretty simple. ABSOLUTE VICTORY, UNCONDITONAL VICTORY. Either you are with us or against us. FDR did ask us to engage the enemy with words - BUT WITH BOMBS AND BULLETS AND BAYONETS!

The Left and the MSM are against us now; (ASIDE: the MSM weren't allied with our enemies in 1941 - I argue because we were allies of the USSR, and the Left liked WW2 because of that alliance. If Russia and France were our allies now, then the Left would be MUCH more supportive. GET THAT?!? The Left follows the lead of the amoral French and the immoral Russians! SHEESH.).

The MSM have carrried water for the enemy from Day 2 of the GWOT; they function as the propaganda arm of the enemy. The ISG report proves how effective this propaganda war has been FOR THE ENEMY. Which is why I have always said: In order to defeat the jihadists abroad we have to defeat the Left at home.

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