Friday, December 15, 2006


Nuclear weapons are, in some sense, unstable; they are said to decay over time, and become ineffective, if not properly maintained.

Now, I would imagine that not all the parts of a nuclear weapon decay at the same rate. For instance, we can assume the shell - which is probably made of metal or plastic - does not decay rapidly. So, it is something within the bomb which decays.

Of course, heavy metals themselves are unstable and emit radiation, so it could be that more uranium or plutonium needs to be added to the core periodically. But, I don't have enough information to know if this is the case.

Here's what I do know, from what I have read about the Litvinenko case. Polonium 210 is the trigger that starts the chain reaction within the uranium or plutonium core in a nuclear weapon. In other words, you have a core of plutonium or uranium and you need a trigger which is packed around the core, which itself explodes with enough force to compress the plutonium to the point that a chain reaction will ensue.

Could it be that Polonium 210 is the unstable element of a nuclear weapon which needs maintanence?

Could it be that our Muslim friend Litvinenko was smuggling polonium into Britain so that they could bring an already existing nuclear device back into working form?

1 comment:

  1. Dude-

    I read this and my Sarah-Connor-In-The-Terminator alarm just went off.

    Been traveling and completely missed this. Now I have to go back and re-read the details of Litvinenko's conversion and nuclear weapons.

    Also back to IBA to read your post there.

    Cheers - Dinah
