Wednesday, December 06, 2006


French President Jacques Chirac congratulated Venezulan President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday for his reelection. "Soon after the Venezuelan people renewed their confidence to you, I want to adress to you, personally and in the name of all the French people, my most warmly congratulations," Chirac said in a congratulation letter made public by the Presidential office.

"I know that French enterprises, which have already contributed a lot to the economic dynamism in Venezuela, like to strenghten their activities in a long term," he said. Chirac said he hoped that the two countries would reinforce their relationships, especially in hydrocarbon, transport and health areas.
It sounds like Chirac might just be whoring himself for France, but.... it gets worse; (EL UNIVERSAL - Venezuela):
"I have no doubt that Venezuela in the years to come is to confirm its vocation to contribute to a balanced treatment of the big international matters," said Chirac in his message to Chávez, as quoted by DPA.

The French President claimed Venezuelan involvement in the dialogue among nations could contribute to peace and development based on the respect for differences, both in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as in other regions.
Chirac praises Chavez and says that the autocrat's insane, Leftist, pro-Iran/pro-jihadist policies will help international matters!?!?! Sheesh: What a piece of merde.

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